Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting the personal information of all visitors to this web site. We recognise our obligation to keep personal information secure and believe it is important for you to know how we treat information about you.

Collected Information

Users of our website can visit the site without revealing their identity or providing information about themselves.

We collect information directly from users when they voluntarily submit their personal information to us. At certain parts of our website, we may (now or in the future) provide the opportunity for users to register for an event or order goods, join a mailing list, request information or book something.

When this sort of information is collected we will provide the reason for collection and how the information will be used. We reserve the right to add to this list of opportunities available to our users to interact with us. It is completely up to users to provide us with their personal information.

Use of Collected Information

Generally, visitors are informed of the use of their personal information at the time of collection. Normally, personal information provided or collected is used to respond to inquiries or to process requests.

Security of Collected Information

Reece Foundation maintains strict physical, electronic and administrative safeguards to protect user’s personal information from unauthorised or inappropriate access. Workers, affiliates and business partners who misuse a user’s personal information are subject to legal or disciplinary actions.

Rights of Website Users

Users of our website may review and update any personal information that is provided to us or collected through this website and actually stored by us.

Reece Foundation will respond appropriately to users request to correct inaccurate personal information and all complaints relating to the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information will be dealt with promptly in a confidential manner.

Download our Vision Document

Our in-depth brochure outlines all of our proposed plans and aims to:

  • Define the potential of the Ouse Burn and the Letch as a major recreational resource of benefit to the residents of Tyne and Wear
  • Seek the support of all those bodies with an interest in the area to agree a comprehensive strategy that meets local and national objectives and secures the long term development and maintenance of the corridor
  • Work closely with local communities in the evolution of the project

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